Saturday, 19 October 2013

My Build of Raspbx, asterisk and freepbx on the Raspberry Pi

I just received my Raspberry Pi kit which i bought from amazon

I am buliding an asterisk pbx systems on to it, the Raspberry Pi is a revision 2 512mb Ram.

Having read up before i build the system raspbx comes with i hope the fail2ban service, which i will find out as i write this post.

My Main intention for this is simply to make it into a voicemail server as an addon for a panasonic pabx which has the sip utility.

Although is should be fine for VoIP calls.

The First thing i need to do is download the raspbx image from here

I then need to write the image onto the sd card, which has come with Noobs pre installed, i am going to overwrite this.

My PC is ubuntu so to write the image i am following this video from YouTube, this particular channel the guy is great to follow for all sorts of howto's on ubuntu, this video is explaining howto write the raspberry pi image but i'm going to try writing raspbx instead.

Opened the disk utility and unmounted, now to do the dd write commad
my sd card is /dev/sdb1.
I have download my image to Desktop and created a folder call raspbx which i am going to extract the image in.
Opening a terminal i am going to change directory #cd Desktop/raspbx/raspbx-12-08-2013/
I am now in the folder with the image next the write command
# sudo dd bs=4M if=raspbx-12-08-2013.img of=/dev/sdb
 press enter and type password this can now take a few minutes.

My SD Card Is 8GB so the initial image is 4GB and i will be looking to extend the space to 8Gb later.

Its Now built 2 minute job

Plugged in watching a boot screen could see on the boot up it has an ip of, that may help in a bit.

Logging in from ssh in ubuntu is going to be
ssh root@ for me user root password = raspberry to start

Now presented with this terminal screen

At this stage is have typed raspi-config which now presents this screen

I selected expand_rootfs and now it has asked to reboot lets do it finish and then select reboot.

Thats killed my install so going to start process again,

This time to extend the partition i am going to plug the SD Card back into my pc and use gparted. No im not
Update the raspberry pi from the raspi-config, do all the updates now works fine.

Thats it my raspbx is now running configured with voicemail
just follow the official website for raspbx for any other info.

Buy your own raspberry pi kit the same as i bought here

Interested in a raspbx for your telephone systems call Union Telecom for further info for business telephones systems in the UK 

Check out my video on youtube for the raspbx asterisk freepbx voicemail server.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Google has become boring and safe.

A long time ago before Google was the main search engine, life was so fun using multiple search engines to try and find the answer to an internet query. All these search engines then started to disappear as we all hopped on the google bandwagon.

For a while google was fun serving up interesting results, websites that you never had seen before and finding new business enterprises selling interesting products or products that you had never seen before.

Then came the Google panda and penguin updates, what a bore.

Have you ever noticed recently that everytime you search for products that its the same old same ole being presented on the 1st page of results. Go on i dare you go to page 2 on google, well nobody ever does.

No matter what you are searching for it s the same, a product? Amazon then Tesco then bla bla bla, a Holdiday? well TripAdvisor of course the so called experts with millions of followers with grudges to bare because low and behold we dont give perfect service to every customer, we are after all only human.

Then you will see a wiki page in every top ten results, even when searching for maybe a specialist product, there it is the most inaccurate Wiki result with a paragraph of rubbish.

Google it seems is now playing safe with high street brands and large online stores like Amazon or Ebay.

Am i forced to use it well of course not but there is no alternative, Bing at a push yes maybe i will give it a chance but Microsoft hardly known for their own success recently does not gain my confidence.

Please Please Apple make yourself known on the search engine front. you have a captive audience with your own products, bring us competition, after all a search engine monopoly is just not good.

Google please return some of the old value of promoting unheard of small businesses, i hate the big brands dominating life.

There must be a way to do it, after all any old Joe Smoe could serve up results like you are thats not intelligent thats playing safe.

Well that’s my rant over, this of course will never be read by anyone as this page will just dwindle into the black hole of the internet to age over time.

Ps a note to Goolge
Maybe try an algorithm  that actually looks at the speciality of the website, takes into consideration the personal touch of the website owner that a big business does not offer.
EG yes large companies with support not local to us here in blighty who actually are interested in profit only and not customer service which is the bedrock of any small business.

I dare you Google support the small business man!!!!!